Countdown to First Strike Maps Packs on PS3

Sunday, 13 February 2011

guide to "five" zombies black ops

There are many ways to play Zombies in Black Ops. There are many strategies, but this one is mine. Below is, what I believe to be is a simple, straight forward way to play Five for hours. I’ve gotten as high as level 27, although I’m betting that I can go even farther and you can too.
Read on for my approach to “Five” with a round by round analysis of where you should be and what you should be doing. Enjoy!
Generally on “Five”:
  • Turing on the power has no bearing on whether you’ll see the crawlers in the basement. They come whether the power is on or off.
  • In order to get to the pack a punch, you’ll need to turn on every switch until you get to Defcon 5. Then ANY portal will take you to the pack a punch after activation.
  • If two people enter any portal at or even near the same time, you may be downed, losing any perks you’ve purchased. Stay in communication with your teammates and call it out if you go into a portal.
Five strategy
When you begin, you’ll be in a conference room, with four doors with windows. Zombies can enter from all windowed doors here and will first break the glass and then come in. Additionally, there are two spots where zombies can break down the wall and enter into the hallway that is open to you when you begin. Of note, zombies usually only come from four of the six openings for the first two rounds.
After the round begins, all four teammates must break the glass with your melee attack and rebuild the wooden barriers to keep the zombies out. First, you’ll make a little money, and then after they take them down, you can rebuild them for even more cash.
Generally, for the first two rounds, I let the zombies in to get the perks and hope for a max ammo. By the end of the third round, it’s time to leave that area. The person with the most money opens the door. Buy the MPL there even if you already have purchased a M14 or Olympia shotgun and defend round four with the elevator to your back. You can even stay here until the end of round 5 if you want, but I generally like to hold a zombie at the end of round four and head down to the Command Center via the elevator.
Once that elevator door opens, that zombie that you were holding at a window, will be running free right toward you. Kill it and then all four of you run around that circle until you get to a window and defend it. There’s a MP5K and a PM63 submachine gun on the walls to buy, if needed. Stay there for one or two rounds. When you’re ready to leave, be sure to have about 2500 to 3000 to spend and one of you hold a zombie at a window. This is a recurring theme. Always be holding zombies at a window. It’s vital to getting around and getting needed weapons.
Next, Head down to the elevator to the basement. The Stakeout shotgun is next to the elevator and is an upgrade over the Olympia, if you want to buy it or are low on ammo. Once the elevator doors open, that zombie you were holding will have magically appeared in the basement and will be running free, but don’t kill it. One of you will need to get it to chase you around, while your teammates find the mystery box and open the room up with the box in it. There are only three rooms to open, all cost 1250 to open though, so spend wisely. Preferably, you’ll all get a shot at the box and you’ll have enough to open the room with the live pig in it, claymores, and two windows, which is my preferred defensive spot in the entire map.
Weapons that are available in the basement are the claymores, AK 74u, M16 and the Bowie Knife.
In this room, there’s two windows, ideal for holding zombies, while two teammates kill everything that comes in the door. The claymores are ideal for stopping overwhelming hordes and when you get a sale tag as a power up, the mystery box is right there to use.
Alternatively, if you don’t have enough money, you can stay in the elevator and defend that location. You can hold a zombie at the window and when things get too hot, you can hit the elevator door and go up a level, resetting the zombies and giving you a breather to revive teammates, if needed. This is the less desirable option, because it costs money you don’t want to spend at this point and if someone is downed in front of the elevator button, you won’t be able to turn the elevator on. It’s a glitch to be sure, but a fatal one, which is why I prefer the Claymore Room, at least until level 25.
Around rounds 7, 13, 17, 21 and 26  (approximately, as it varies sometimes), you’ll have a mini boss battle against a scientist looking guy. This “boss” will take your weapons, so you must kill him to get them back. The hard part is that he’s somewhat invisible until he takes your weapon and immediately after he reappears. Use these opportunities to lay into him and hopefully kill him and get your weapons back, along with a max ammo.
Other power ups, besides the normal nuke, max ammo, 2x and carpenter power ups to be aware of are the “Sale” ticket, which gives you access to ALL boxes for only 10 bucks. You’ll get three chances if you time it right, but seek out the other boxes if you can. The Death machine perk is also found in Five. It looks like bullets with a blue hue. You’ll get less cash, but you’ll lay waste to everything for a short time.
If you’ve managed to survive long enough, once you get past level 22 or so, you may want to be thinking about getting out of that room. Things get a lot harder and zombies pour into that room. If you all have ray guns, you should think about pack a punching it for double damage as it will no longer do one hit kills. Your best bet, especially if you get overrun, is to make your way to the elevator. By the later levels, you should have a ton of money, so spend it on taking the elevator up and down, killing zombies until you’re overwhelmed and then hitting the button to close the doors, giving you a breather. You can literally keep doing this forever, or until you die.
I’ve made it to 27 doing this. Can you?

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